دانلود فیلم های آموزشی معماری گرافیک و مدل و پلاگین

دانلود رایگان فیلم های آموزشی معماری سه بعدی گرافیک و انیمیشن دانلود انواع مدلهای سه بعدی ارک اینتریور ارک اکستریور ارک مدل

دانلود فیلم های آموزشی معماری گرافیک و مدل و پلاگین

دانلود رایگان فیلم های آموزشی معماری سه بعدی گرافیک و انیمیشن دانلود انواع مدلهای سه بعدی ارک اینتریور ارک اکستریور ارک مدل

دانلود آموزش کار با نرم افزار زیبراش Lynda Zbrush از سایت لیندا ZBrush Extruding geometry with edge loops to make necks ears

دانلود آموزش کار با نرم افزار زیبراش  Lynda Zbrush از سایت لیندا

اگر میخواهید هندسه را به یک مدل اضافه کنید، مانند بگذارید بگوییم شما می خواهید برخی را ایجاد کنید

 گوش ها، یا گردن یک سر، شما می توانید با استفاده از Edge Loops از اکستروژن استفاده کنید

 مدل من قصد دارم این را با شروع از Poly Sphere بسیار ساده نشان دهم.

 شما می توانید با فشار دادن پیش فرض Poly Sphere را به ZBrush بارگیری کنید

 دکمه ZScript اینجا در بالای بوم است، و این باعث می شود شروع به کار شود

00:00:22 صفحه نمایش، و من فقط می خواهم در Poly Sphere مطبوعات، و آن را در بار

00:00:26 بوم در حال حاضر در حالت ویرایش.

00:00:29 در حال حاضر، اولین چیزی که می خواهم انجام دهم بخش پایین تر Level است

00:00:33 همانطور که ممکن است در این مدل، به طوری که می تواند به راحتی در آن وجود دارد و اضافه هندسه

00:00:38 به آن. بنابراین من رفتن به پالت ابزار اینجا، من قصد دارم به گسترش

00:00:42 هندسه، و من قصد دارم Sider را تا سطح 1 حرکت دهم. سپس به

00:00:48 اضافه کردن سطوح حتی پایین تر از Subdivision، من قصد دارم Reconstruct را فشار دهم

00:00:52 Subdivision؛ یک بار، دو بار، سه بار حالا من Poly Sphere کم وضوح کم دارم.

00:01:02 سطوح زیر بخش هنوز وجود دارد، آنها حذف نشده اند. من

00:01:05 فقط در حال حاضر شش سطح دارد در حالیکه قبل از اینکه من فقط سه نفر داشتم. برای ایجاد یک

00:01:10 اکستروژن در غیر این صورت به عنوان یک حلقه لبه شناخته می شود، من با اولین چرخش شروع می کنم

00:01:15 در نقطه انتخاب؛ بنابراین انتخاب های من دقیق تر است، و من نیز می روم

 فعال سازی تقارن  Now, I'm going to press Ctrl and Shift,  drag the selection over the top part of

00:01:28  the model. So what I want to do is I  want to hide everything except for the

00:01:31  four polygons on the bottom. So I  release the Shift key, release the pen from

00:01:39  the digital tablet. Now I just have my  four polygons at the bottom of the Poly Sphere.

00:01:44  I'm going to turn on Frame mode, so I  can get a better idea of what's going on

00:01:48  here. To make an Edge Loop or to  extrude these four polygons, all I need to do

00:01:54  is press the Edge Loop button, and  there we go. We have a loop of polygons

00:02:01  added around the original four.

00:02:04  Edge Loops only work on visible parts  of the model. So just to demonstrate

00:02:09  quickly. I'm going to Ctrl+Shift and  hide all of these polygons, Ctrl+Shift to

00:02:16  drag, lift the Shift key, now I have  this section. If I press Edge Loop here,

00:02:24  see how the Edge Loop has been created  on just the visible parts of the model.

00:02:29  I'm going to press Ctrl+Z to undo that,  and bring back the rest of my model. I

00:02:33  just wanted to show you that it's  only the visible parts that get the Edge Loop.

00:02:38  Now that I have my basic neck geometry,  I can actually pull this geometry down.

00:02:44  To do this, I'm going to Ctrl+Shift+ Click on the upper part, so now I have just

00:02:50  this part visible. I'm going to go to  the Masking palette, and expand Mask,

00:02:57  click on Mask All. That Mask, the  visible parts that are on the model, press

00:03:02  Ctrl+Shift+Click on the canvas, and  now this part is masked, this part is unmasked.

00:03:10  So what that means is I can choose  the Move Brush from the Sculpting Brush

00:03:16  Library, increase the Draw Size, and  then just drag the neck Geometry down.

00:03:28  I'm going to shift to a side view here,  drag down. Since this upper part is

00:03:47  masked, I don't have to worry about  it changing if I drag up here, only the

00:03:50  parts that are unmasked are being changed.

00:04:03  So how do I add a few more levels of  division here? I'm going to clear my mask.

00:04:07  I'm going to reduce my Draw Size, and  I'm going to Ctrl+Shift+Click just on

00:04:14  this middle section right here. Now,  that's the only part that's visible. I can

00:04:20  press Edge Loop, and look; I have got  two loops; one at the top and one at the bottom.

00:04:25  The great thing about Edge Loops is  that they automatically create Polygroups.

00:04:30  So if I Ctrl+Shift+Click on a blank  part of the canvas, now you can see I have

00:04:36  got even little bit more geometry to  work with, and it's all organized into its

00:04:39  own Polygroups.

00:04:41  If I Ctrl+Shift+Click on the bottom, I  have that Polygroup. Ctrl+Shift+Click on

00:04:47  the canvas. If I Ctrl+Shift+Click on  this sort of fuschia area, you can see the

00:04:53  neck. Just to make it a little bit more  accurate. If I Ctrl+Shift+Click on this

00:04:58  orange part, I can isolate just the  neck area there and just the middle of the neck.

00:05:04  I'm going to bring everything back now.  I'm going to Ctrl+Shift+Click on this

00:05:09  upper part, press Mask All, Ctrl+Shift+ Click on the canvas, raise my Draw Size,

00:05:17  use my Move Brush to continue to  shape the neck area. You see this kind of

00:05:24  thing going on; sometimes that's just  the display quirk of ZBrush. If I move

00:05:29  the model you can see it fixes itself.

00:05:30  Now I'm going to start to really  actually shape a mesh. When you are first

00:05:39  starting something like a head, it's  always a good idea, or at least I think

00:05:42  it's a good idea, the way I work, to  work on the lowest level of Subdivision

00:05:47  possible, because I really just want to  bring in the primary form of the object.

00:05:52  If I work at a very high level of  Subdivision to begin with, you can find

00:05:56  yourself quickly getting lost with all  the polygons there that are available to you.

00:06:00  I'm going to reduce my Draw Size. I'm  just going to start to drag this down

00:06:09  till I have my basic neck shape. This  edge right here will actually represent

00:06:16  the flow of the sternomastoid muscle,  that goes from behind the ear to the

00:06:22  front of the sterno. I'm just  thinking about that as I'm working.

00:06:28  Right here, this area is going to be  the back. Since I have Symmetry on, of

00:06:41  course all the changes I make from  the side view are being mirrored to the other side.

00:06:45  So I'm going to switch to the front  view and bring this down. Switch to the

00:06:59  back view. Start to form a trapezes.  It's a little bit easier sometimes to

00:07:07  reduce the Draw Size, maybe increase  the intensity of the Move Brush. Now,

00:07:13  little bit easier to drag those  guys around in a very specific way.

00:07:18  We have a bit of a hunchback here, but  that's okay, we could fix that; minor surgery.

00:07:22  You can see, that's basically one way  you can just start adding a neck to a model.

00:07:31  Now, I'm going to clear the mask here,  and if you notice I'm working on the

00:07:36  lowest Subdivision Level and I have  added this new geometry; all of this neck

00:07:40  stuff was not part of the original Poly Sphere.

00:07:43  If I move the levels of Subdivision up,  the great part is all that geometry

00:07:48  gets subdivided automatically as well.  I don't have to do anything additional to it.

00:07:51  If I turn off Frame modes, you will  notice that there is a bit of creasing

00:07:57  here, in the parts that were  subdivided. I can easily switch to the Smooth

00:08:02  Brush and then just paint on  these to get rid of that creasing.

00:08:13  I have a start to my very basic edge  shape. Once more I have Polygroups for the

00:08:22  neck as well.

00:08:25  Edge Loops are great for extruding  areas for necks, extruding parts for ears,

00:08:31  or even creating eye sockets in the  model; I could create Edge Loops on this area.

00:08:36  The only basic rules that you need to  remember when working with Edge Loops is

00:08:40  Edge Loops are essentially a ring of  polygons that are added around the visible

00:08:46  portions of a model.

00:08:47  So in other words, to create an Edge  Loop you have to remember to hide the

00:08:51  parts of the model that are not part of  the Edge Loop. In other words, all this

00:08:56  area right here, so that you only have  a few polygons visible. Then press the

00:09:00  Edge Loop button and that will  create the Edge Loop. Then you will make

00:09:04  everything visible again, then you  are ready to work with that geometry.

00:09:07  Edge Loops can only be created at the  lowest level of Subdivision. So if I

00:09:12  wanted to create some ears, I need to  go up a level of Subdivision. Now I can

00:09:16  drag around this area, so everything  withing the green area will be visible.

00:09:20  I'm going to let go of my pen on  the tablet so I have this area now.

00:09:26  If you notice, since I have Symmetry  on, I have both sides still visible.

00:09:30  Ctrl+Shift drag around here, release  the Shift key, Ctrl+Shift drag around

00:09:40  here, release the Shift key,  release  the Shift key, and one more time, release

00:09:48  the Shift key, and now I just have  this one polygon here and the same one on

00:09:52  the opposite side.

00:09:53  Press Edge Loop, now I have got the  beginnings of an ear. I can use the Move

00:10:01  tool to start dragging these out,  and I have something I can work with.

00:10:08  That's the basics of getting  started working with Edge Loops.