دانلود فیلم های آموزشی معماری گرافیک و مدل و پلاگین

دانلود رایگان فیلم های آموزشی معماری سه بعدی گرافیک و انیمیشن دانلود انواع مدلهای سه بعدی ارک اینتریور ارک اکستریور ارک مدل

دانلود فیلم های آموزشی معماری گرافیک و مدل و پلاگین

دانلود رایگان فیلم های آموزشی معماری سه بعدی گرافیک و انیمیشن دانلود انواع مدلهای سه بعدی ارک اینتریور ارک اکستریور ارک مدل

صفر تا صد آموزش زی براش ZBrush Hiding and showing polygons

آموزش ZBrush از ۰ تا ۱۰۰ به زبان فارسی

هنگامی که شما در حال کار بر روی یک مدل مانند یک شخصیت هستید، ممکن است متوجه شوید که هستید

  به طور مرتب ماسک کردن یا جدا کردن قسمت های آن مدل، به طوری که شما می توانید وارد شوید و

  آن را تغییر دهید این می تواند بعد از مدتی کمی خسته کننده شود.

 به عنوان مثال، اگر تصمیم بگیرم می خواهم لب پایین را از بالا جدا کنم

  لب، من می توانم این کار را با استفاده از ابزار انتخاب من انجام دهم. من از femaleHead_v01 استفاده می کنم

  مدل. کاربران حق بیمه می توانند این مدل را از فایل مثال نمونه دانلود بارگذاری کنند. بنابراین

  شما همچنین می توانید از برخی از مدل های نمونه ای که با ZBrush می آیند استفاده کنید.

  من می خواهم این مدل را داشته باشم و من می خواهم لب پایین را از آن جدا کنم

  لب بالا برای شروع، اگر من هندسه خود را پایین تر، آن را کمی ساده تر انجام دهید

00:00:42 قطعنامه. من قصد دارم این را به سطح 1 برسانم که چند ضلعی را ایجاد می کند

00:00:45 کمی بیشتر واضح است

00:00:47 من قصد دارم تا دکمه Frame را روشن کنم تا بتوانم قاب سیم را ببینم

00:00:50 چند ضلعی اکنون می بینم که چطور مدل واقعا سازماندهی شده است. من قصد دارم

00:00:55 با کشیدن بر روی دکمه مقیاس زوم کنید، و من قصد دارم به طرف چرخش بچرخم

00:01:00 کلید Shift را فشار دهید تا آن را به مکان متصل کند، مدل را بیش از حد حرکت دهید

00:01:05 کشیدن با کلید Alt افسرده. من قصد دارم به انتخاب Lasso برگردم

00:01:09 من قصد دارم Ctrl + Shift را نگه داشته و انتخاب را در اطراف دهان به سمت راست بکشید

00:01:14 اینجا، و سپس فشار از رایانه لوحی را آزاد کنید. حالا، من فقط دهان را اینجا میبینم

00:01:21 من قصد دارم به زوم کردن در منوی Transform در اینجا، من نقطه فعال شده است. این

00:01:30 انتخاب را کمی ساده تر می کند، بنابراین می توانم یک گوشه ای از یک انتخاب کنم

00:01:33 چند ضلعی و انتخاب خواهد شد.

  When you are working on a model, you  may want to isolate parts of the model

just so you can work on a few details of  one section. Let's say you are working on

  just the eye area of a model, you can  actually isolate the eye area of the

00:00:12  model by hiding everything else except the eye.

00:00:16  To do this in ZBrush, there are few  simple controls. I have my greenMan_v01

00:00:21  model loaded on the canvas and this is  available to premium users. You can also

00:00:26  use the example models that come with ZBrush.

00:00:29  I have it loaded on the canvas and I'm  in Edit mode. I'm going to rotate to a

00:00:34  side view here, just start dragging a  blank part of the canvas and I'm going to

00:00:38  hold the Shift key and that will snap  it into a side view. And I'm going to

00:00:42  zoom in to the model. I'm going to  press the Alt button, drag on the canvas,

00:00:46  let go the Alt button and zoom in.

00:00:48  Don't forget there is another way to  do that. That is to use the Scale button

00:00:54  on the side shelf here. I'm going to  focus on the eye area. I will just hold

00:01:00  the Alt key while dragging on  the canvas to reposition it.

00:01:03  And now I'm going to make a selection  and I'm going to hide all the parts of

00:01:06  the model that are not in that  selection. To do this, I'm going to hold

00:01:09  Ctrl+Shift and I'm going to drag a  selection marquee on the canvas, from a

00:01:14  blank part of the canvas over the eye  and you will see this green box appear.

00:01:19  Everything within the green box is  going to remain visible; everything outside

00:01:24  of the box is going to be hidden.

00:01:25  I'm just going to let it go by  releasing my pen from the tablet or if you are

00:01:30  using a mouse you can release the mouse  button, and after a couple of seconds I

00:01:35  have my selection.

00:01:36  Now I just have the eyes and I can  really get in here and work on the eyelids

00:01:42  and the shape of the eyes and so on and  so forth without worrying about either

00:01:46  accidentally changing another part of  the model or having that part of the

00:01:50  model distracts me. If this particular  model had the objects that were in front

00:01:54  of the eye, I could hide those  and then just get to the eye.

00:01:57  And one of the side benefits is the  performance in ZBrush actually improves

00:02:02  when you hide parts of the model,  that's especially a model is made of a

00:02:05  millions and millions of polygons. When  these sections of the model are hidden,

00:02:09  they haven't been deleted but as far as  ZBrush is concerned, they don't exist.

00:02:13  So ZBrush can concentrate all of its  processing power on just what's in visible

00:02:17  on the canvas. And you will actually  notice when you hide parts of the model

00:02:21  that the performance as you rotate the  model and as you sculpt on it, it's a

00:02:25  little bit faster, so that's an extra  side benefit for hiding parts of the model.

00:02:30  Now if I'm done from working on the  eyes and I want to bring back the model,

00:02:33  all I need to do is press the Ctrl+ Shift Key+ and tab, and after a couple of

00:02:39  seconds, the model reappears. I want  to press the F key to center the model

00:02:43  again on the canvas, so  we can see the whole thing.

00:02:46  And I'm going to demonstrate that a  couple more times. This time I'm going to

00:02:49  hide everything but the top area of  the model. I'm going to hold Ctrl+Shift

00:02:55  drag a selection marquee, so I have my  green box. Then I'm going to let it go.

00:03:00  And after a couple of seconds,  everything in the lower part of the model that

00:03:03  was not in that green box is hidden.  To bring it back, I will just press

00:03:07  Ctrl+Shift, tab on the canvas.  And now everything is back.

00:03:12  To speed things up a little bit, I'm  going to lower the resolution on the

00:03:14  model, bring it down to Sdiv Level 5.  Now if I want to do the reverse, if I

00:03:20  want to hide just the selected area  of the model, I can do this by holding

00:03:25  Ctrl+Shift, drag on the canvas just  like we are doing before to get that green

00:03:30  box, but now I'm going to let go off  the Shift key and then let go off the

00:03:36  mouse, and everything that's within  the red area will be hidden and the other

00:03:40  parts of the model will remain visible.

00:03:42  There we go, this face is gone. To  bring it back, just to Ctrl+Shift, click on

00:03:47  the canvas. This one takes a little  bit of practice to get used to. I'm doing

00:03:50  it a couple more times here. I'm going  to press Ctrl+Shift, drag my green box,

00:03:57  let go the Shift button, so it turns  red and then let go off my pen on the

00:04:02  tablet or the mouse key. To bring it  back, Ctrl+Shift, tab on the canvas.

00:04:08  One another way, I can make a custom  selection is to actually use masking and

00:04:14  this is helpful if I want to hide  parts of the model that are not necessarily

00:04:18  connected. So I can hold the Ctrl key  and start painting a mask on the object.

00:04:25  I'm going to paint a few unconnected areas.

00:04:31  Then I'm going to go into the Tool  palette to expand the Masking sub-palette

00:04:37  and press the HidePt button. And this  hides all the areas of the model that

00:04:42  have not been masked. To bring  everything back, I will just press Ctrl+Shift,

00:04:47  click on the canvas. You might find  that the mask has left a little bit of an

00:04:51  edge there. To get rid of that,  you can just press the Clear button.

00:04:55  When making your selections, you can  also use Lasso selection if you want to

00:05:00  create a free form selection. I'm  holding Ctrl+Shift and I'm dragging on the

00:05:07  model, but since I have the Lasso  button activated on the right shelf, now I

00:05:12  have a custom shape rather  than just a rectangular area.

00:05:16  And this is the same if I want to hide  parts of the model, Ctrl+Shift, drag a

00:05:22  custom area, let go off the Shift  button then let go off the mouse or the

00:05:30  digital pen from the tablet and then  here we go. I'm going to move to a lower

00:05:37  resolution here.

00:05:38  It doesn't matter what resolution  you are on when you are making the

00:05:41  selections, it's not going to affect  the way that you selected, other than of

00:05:46  course, in a higher resolution  model you are going to either select or

00:05:49  de-select more polygons than  the lower resolution model.

00:05:52  You may find that as you are making  your selections activating the Pt Sel

00:05:56  button in the Transform menu; this is  the Transform menu right here. I have

00:06:01  this activated and when I'm working, I  have this activated at all times. It's

00:06:07  off by default but you will find that  by activating this, the selection is a

00:06:11  bit more accurate especially when you are  going in there to select individual polygons.

00:06:16  So using the Ctrl+Shift key  combination to hide parts of the model will allow

00:06:21  you to just focus on small sections at  a time, so that you can really work on

00:06:25  the detailing and at the same time it  also improves the performance of ZBrush.