آموزش ZBrush به صورت مقدماتی و مدلسازی پیشرفته به زبان فارسی
وقتی مجسمه یک شکل یا چیزی شبیه این دست را ایجاد کردید اینجا و
شما آماده هستیم که مدل را بسازیم، شما می خواهید از ابزار Transpose استفاده کنید.
ابزار Transpose همانطور که از نامش پیداست طراحی شده است تا به شما کمک کند مدل های خود را مطرح کنید.
من از مدل handpose استفاده می کنم و این برای کاربران حق بیمه وجود دارد و زمانی است
من این مدل را بارگیری میکنم، اگر نگاهی به پالت Sub Tool بیاندازید، من واقعا دارم
تکراری از این مدل هر یک از این تکرارها مطرح شده است و من
این ها را با استفاده از ابزار Transpose ساخته اند. بنابراین این واقعا خوب است
تمرین ورزش به دلیل اینکه دست دادن می تواند روی حیله و تزویر باشد.
بنابراین من فقط به طور پیش فرض من مطرح شده در اینجا، و من آن را بر روی بوم کشیده شده و
من در حالت ویرایش هستم و در حال حاضر من دکمه قرعه کشی فعال شده است. وقتی من هستم
9 دکمه قرعه کشی فعال شده است، به یاد داشته باشید که بدان معنی است که اگر من در بالای صفحه قرعه کشی کنم
مدل، من در واقع قصد دارم مدل را با استفاده از Brush Sculpting Brush تغییر دهم.
برای فعال کردن ابزار Transpose، من می خواهم به Move تغییر دهم. بنابراین من ویرایش کردم و من
حرکت فعال شده است. من همچنین می خواهم Symmetry Activate را غیرفعال کنم، بنابراین هیچ مشکلی وجود ندارد
تقارن در مدل ما ابزار Transpose داریم. این سه مورد آشنا هستند
دایره با خط عمل در مرکز. به یاد داشته باشید که می توانم تغییر دهم
موقعیت ابزار خود را با کشیدن بر روی این حلقه ها. بنابراین این بیرونی
دایره ها برای تغییر محل ابزار و حلقه های داخلی در واقع تغییر می کنند
مدل خود را بر اساس موقعیت ابزار.
بنابراین حالت Move را فعال کرده ام و فقط می توانم بر روی مدل کلیک کنم و از آن خارج شویم
ابزار Transpose و سپس وقتی روی دایره مرکزی کلیک میکنم، من این شی را می برم.
در حال حاضر تفاوت بین این و این چیست؟ خوب، این کمی آسان است
برای اینکه بفهمم آیا بعضی از ابزارهای زیر را میبینم قابل دیدن است. اگر فقط این را بکشم، من هستم
00:01:58 فقط نگاه کردن به تمام شیء، اما اگر در مرکز اینجا با کشیدن
00:02:03 حرکت فعال شده، در حقیقت حرکت شیء است. بنابراین من به این تغییر کرده ام
00:02:10 شی در ارتباط با ابزار زیر، با کشیدن در مرکز. من قصد دارم
00:02:15 مخفی کردن این، بنابراین ما می توانیم روی این تمرکز کنیم.
00:02:27 Now if I drag on the end with Move activated, I actually start to stretch the
00:02:32 model around. The way you can think of it is, I'm moving these parts of the
00:02:36 model that are closest to this end of the tool and this end of the tool is the pivot.
00:02:43 So if I drag over here, I get the opposite. The elbow of the upper forearm
00:02:49 moves more than the area around the knuckle here, I can see that the knuckle is
00:02:54 not moving at all. When I switch to Rotate mode and I have the subtool visible
00:03:03 as well, so you can see, but if I start to rotate, I'm rotating the object in
00:03:08 relation to the subtool.
00:03:10 And when it comes to posing, Rotate is probably what you are going to be using
00:03:15 the most, and I will show you why. Well, when you think about it, think about
00:03:18 your hands. The tip of your finger rotates on the pivot of that rotation is
00:03:23 your knuckle.
00:03:25 So in other words if I were to use the Transpose tool, this would be the pivot
00:03:30 and this would be where it rotates.
00:03:32 Now of course if I drag on this, I'm rotating the entire object. So how do I
00:03:37 rotate just the finger?
00:03:40 Let's hide this for a second. The key to that is Masking. If I mask the entire
00:03:46 object, let's mass that, and mass the other fingers, let's zoom in a little
00:03:52 bit. Here's the Scale button and mask right here, switch to the Side View,
00:03:59 start rotating, now I'm rotating just that finger.
00:04:06 The problem with that of course is that mask was very tricky to create; I had
00:04:10 the mask once, and then these fingers and then this part of the finger. The
00:04:13 Transpose tool has its own masking feature.
00:04:16 We can also create a mask using the Transpose tool itself. So I'm going to
00:04:21 expand the Masking palette, press Clear. Normally when I have the Transpose
00:04:26 tool activated, and I drag on the surface, I'm drawing out a new version of the
00:04:31 tool. But I'm going to hold the Ctrl key and drag on the surface, and now I'm
00:04:36 getting a very special type of mask that follows the topology of the model. The
00:04:41 topology is just basically the arrangement of polygons on the model.
00:04:45 So if you watch as I drag it out here, you can mask everything but thumb very,
00:04:54 very quickly. You will also notice that when I let go, the mask that has been
00:04:59 created is automatically blurred. So topology masks are always blurred when you
00:05:04 draw them. If you decide that you want to sharp edge to it, you can always go
00:05:08 and press Sharpen Mask.
00:05:10 When I'm doing a finger, it might actually be easier to start by holding the
00:05:17 Ctrl key, dragging on the finger I'm masking the part that I want to change.
00:05:21 I'm going to let go and then I'm going to invert the mask. That's a lot easier
00:05:27 to masking the entire arm, everything but the finger.
00:05:29 Now that I have the tip of the finger unmasked, when I have Rotate activated,
00:05:34 I'm going to click on here and drag out to the tip of the finger, and now let's
00:05:41 reposition this, so it's little bit closer to the knuckle here, and now when I
00:05:45 drag on here, I get a fairly decent finger bend.
00:05:53 Let's do that again. I'm going to clear the mask and I'm going to click over
00:06:00 here just to get rid of the tool, and I'm going to hold the Ctrl key and drag
00:06:06 very carefully, along the surface to just the finger. Reselect it, and let go
00:06:13 and I'm going to invert the mask.
00:06:15 Now I'm going to drag from the knuckle towards the tip of the finger, I have
00:06:22 Rotate on, and now I'm just going to drag on this circle to rotate the finger.
00:06:29 I just had to remember that the opposite end of the tools, the pivot, so I
00:06:34 could drag right here if I wanted to break the finger, and then this becomes the pivot.
00:06:40 In this case this might be a good place to sharpen the mask a little bit. There
00:06:46 we go, now we get a nicer bend there in the finger.
00:06:53 I can switch to this view, drag out another version of the tool, and rotate
00:07:02 like this. If I wanted to twist the finger, I can drag in the middle, and then
00:07:07 rotate through the Action Line.
00:07:08 Let's try another finger. Hold Ctrl, drag with the Transpose tool activated,
00:07:20 and then let go. Invert the mask, sharpen the mask, rotate to the side here and
00:07:28 I'm going to drag out the tool. So I'm going to have this as my pivot, let's
00:07:33 reposition that a little bit better, and then bend.
00:07:39 You can see this finger bent from the side, it's in a slightly strange
00:07:47 position, so I can fix that. Drag out from the knuckle here, maybe even drag in
00:07:57 the center to twist it.
00:07:58 If I want to fix this bend here, I can switch over to Move mode, then drag on
00:08:05 the center, and reposition it that way.
00:08:11 Now when you use the Transpose tool, it's a great way to pose your figures, but
00:08:14 remember that ZBrush just considers this like a lump of clay, it doesn't know
00:08:18 that this is a finger anymore than that this is a thumb, or that this is
00:08:23 anything else.
00:08:25 So what that means is, after you have posed the model, using the Transpose tool
00:08:29 you are going to have to do some touch -up using the sculpting brushes. So I
00:08:32 will clear the mask, switch back to Draw, and then zoom in using the Scale key,
00:08:43 remember to have your Local button, that way. Centers the area that you are
00:08:51 working on. I can switch over to the Smooth Brush, maybe reduce the size and
00:08:58 then just start smoothing this out, and then I will just use my sculpting
00:09:01 brushes to fix any strange parts of this model. Let's move that out a little bit.
00:09:06 So Transpose is a great way to get an initial pose into your model. Transpose
00:09:14 also works with Symmetry. So let's take a look at a symmetrical model, and I'm
00:09:20 going to click on the DefaultZScript button here, bring up the startup screen
00:09:25 and let's take a look at Super AverageMan.
00:09:28 If I have him in Edit mode here and I switch over to Move, I can drag out the
00:09:33 Transpose tool. I'm going to mask off the body, and now I'm actually moving his
00:09:41 arm and stretching it like that.
00:09:43 But if I want to do both sides at the same time, I can do this by activating
00:09:47 Symmetry. So let me expand the Masking palette, clear the mask by pressing
00:09:52 Clear, go to Transform Activate Symmetry. When I do this, I actually get two
00:09:59 copies of the Transpose tool on either side of the model. I can mask off the
00:10:05 center of the model. I'm going to just quickly draw a marquee on here to mask
00:10:11 it out, and I'm going to blur the mask. I'm going to move this right here to
00:10:17 about his shoulder, put this on his hand, and switch to Rotate mode. Now when I
00:10:25 rotate one arm, the other arm rotates as well. Usually it takes a little bit of
00:10:31 tweaking here to get it right, so I'll use Move to bring this down a bit.
00:10:41 Switch to Rotate, move his arms forward, and drag this out. I'm still in the
00:10:52 Rotate mode, drag in the center and rotate these arms like this.
00:10:56 Now I'm moving very slowly, but when you get accustomed to using the Transpose
00:11:03 tool, you are going to find that you actually can start moving fairly quickly
00:11:07 once you get the hang of it.
00:11:08 There is one thing that I want to show you that you should be very careful of
00:11:11 when you are working with Transpose and Symmetry.
00:11:14 So let's clear the mask and I'm going to move in closely to the head. Now if I
00:11:21 move to a Front View, I'm dragging his head to pull out transpose, you'll
00:11:28 notice I have Symmetry on, so I have symmetry on the axis. So any changes made
00:11:35 to this side is going to be mirrored to this side.
00:11:36 If I switch to a side view, let's say I want to make his head bend forwards. If
00:11:41 I drag up here, you are going to notice that the tool snaps to the points of
00:11:47 the model. Mask his head, invert the Mask Blur, and move it forward. It looks
00:11:58 pretty good!
00:11:58 The problem is, is that sometimes if you are not careful from the side view,
00:12:05 and let's say I draw out a new tool here, click on his nose and rotate. It
00:12:15 looks okay from there, but when I switch to the Front View, his head has been
00:12:18 collapsed in on itself. So I have this nasty problem right here.
00:12:22 The reason is, is that it's hard to tell from the Side View but this is
00:12:26 actually at an angle. It is easy to see from the Front View, this isn't an angle.
00:12:31 So when I rotate it from the Side View, I actually collapse the head in on
00:12:34 itself. So to fix this, there are a couple of precautions you can take when
00:12:39 drawing out the tool. I'm going to drag, you could see that it's snapping to
00:12:42 the points of the model, it is very useful sometimes, and sometimes it can lead
00:12:46 to problems like when you snap on the nose and create an angle to the Transpose
00:12:51 tool. To avoid that I'm going to drag all the way off to a blank part of the
00:12:55 canvas. When I rotate around, you are going to see now it's straight up and
00:12:59 down. So when I rotate from a Side View, and then switch to our Front View his
00:13:07 head has not collapsed in on itself and everything looks good.
00:13:10 So once again, just to repeat that, if you are going to rotate from a Side View
00:13:14 with Symmetry on, make sure you drag to a blank part of the canvas so that it
00:13:19 is no longer snapping to the model. When you do this, you know that the tool is
00:13:23 straight up and down.
00:13:27 And finally, if I drag and I hold the Shift key, Transpose tool snaps to
00:13:33 angles, which sometimes can help make the tool more precise.
00:13:37 So spend some time playing with the Transpose tool, work with the hand models,
00:13:42 play with the models that came with ZBrush. You will find that after a little
00:13:46 bit of practice, you get very fast with it, and it becomes a very intuitive way
00:13:50 to pose the model.