دانلود آموزش کار با نرم افزار زیبراش
بنابراین هنگامی که شما با Alphas در ZBrush کار می کنید، به شما محدود نمی شود آنچه در این کتابخانه در اینجا وجود دارد، پتانسیل خلاقانه ای در آن وجود دارد ایجاد Alphas خود را. من قصد دارم به شما نشان دهم چگونه آلفا خود را ایجاد کنید درست در اینجا در ZBrush. در حال حاضر، من oldMan من که من کار کرده است. من قصد دارم سوئیچ کنم حالت تصویر و رنگ به طور مستقیم بر روی بوم. برای انجام این کار، من از آن خارج می شوم حالت ویرایش؛ این به بوم رها شده است، بنابراین دیگر به عنوان یک موجود نیست مدل سه بعدی اما این درست است زیرا همه این تغییرات در اینجا در اینجا ذخیره می شوند پالت ابزار، و تا زمانی که من جلسه ZBrush رفتن، که برای من در دسترس خواهد بود. همیشه یک ابزار خوب برای ذخیره ابزار شما است، بنابراین من قصد دارم این کار را انجام دهم اکنون. من قصد دارم با این مرد، oldMan_ alphas تماس بگیرم، و من قصد دارم او را نجات دهم. این است رفتن به من بپرسید که آیا میخواهم آلفای انتخاب شده در حال حاضر را ذخیره کنم. من قصد دارم نه را انتخاب کنید، زیرا این یکی از پیش فرض ZBrush Alphas است، اما اگر من خودم را داشته باشم آلفا در اینجا، من می توانم آن را با ابزار ذخیره کنم. بنابراین حالا میخواهم Ctrl + N را فشار داده و صفحه را پاک کنم، و من قصد دارم تغییر دهم اندازه سند من دکمه Constrain Proportions را خاموش کنید. بیایید این را وارد کنیم سینی را با کلیک راست بر روی آن وجود دارد. 512x512، تغییر اندازه، به نظر می رسد خوب است. حالا من هستم آماده شروع به ایجاد Alphas خودم هستم
00:01:24 To start with, I'm going to go to the Tool palette and I'm going to choose my
00:01:28 Regular PaintBrush. I'm going to lower the Draw Size. I want to create sort of
00:01:35 a crosshatching Alpha, something that I can use to create fine wrinkles on the skin.
00:01:39 Now, I'm just going to start drawing on the canvas. I'm varying the pressure on
00:01:43 the tablet. When I do that, I get thinner lines with less pressure, thicker
00:01:48 lines with more pressure. So let's do this. Open the breaks in there is good.
00:01:54 Maybe just a couple of dots here. It's good to keep your Alphas nice and
00:02:04 simple, makes them a little bit more versatile.
00:02:07 Then once I'm finished painting on the canvas, to convert this to an Alpha, I
00:02:12 go to the Alpha menu, and I choose GrabDoc. Now this alpha is available to me
00:02:19 right here in the Alpha palette, here in the User Alphas.
00:02:23 I'm going to create another one just to show you some of the other aspects of
00:02:28 working with Alphas. To do this, I'm going to choose Sphere3D and I'm going to
00:02:33 start dragging spheres on the canvas. Some are going to be closer; some are
00:02:42 going to be farther away. Some are small and some are large. All I'm doing is
00:02:52 just dragging these spheres on top of each other. I'm going to go a little bit
00:02:57 faster now and start filling the screen.
00:03:00 Of course, if I really want to go fast I can switch to Spray. Increase the Draw
00:03:17 Size. There we go. Now I have really got some spheres coming. It's going to be
00:03:21 an interesting texture for sure.
00:03:29 Maybe make a few more big ones right here in the front. Now I'm going to create
00:03:36 an Alpha from this image. To do that, I'm going to go to the Alpha palette and do GrabDoc.
00:03:44 Let's take a look at this Alpha by hovering over it. What you will notice is
00:03:48 that it has actually stored the depth information as a value on the Alpha.
00:03:53 Those parts of the image that are farther away from us are darker and those
00:03:57 that are closer to us are lighter. This is going to create some very
00:04:01 interesting effects.
00:04:03 So I'm going to create a New document. I don't need to save the changes, I
00:04:09 press No. I still have my Alphas, both of them, and I still have my tool. So
00:04:16 I'm going to take the oldMan Alpha's tool, I'm going to drag him on here.
00:04:21 Switch to Edit mode, and I'm going to zoom in. I have got my Standard brush
00:04:27 loaded, so I'm going to switch to the first Alpha that I made, and with the
00:04:33 DragRect selected, just start drawing out here. That looks like some scarring.
00:04:39 So let's hold the Alt key so it's digging in. I'm just going to create a
00:04:46 crosshatching pattern here on the skin by dragging across.
00:04:49 It doesn't look very realistic at this point, until I start smoothing it out.
00:04:57 So I'm holding the Shift key and just smoothing out on top. Blending where I
00:05:02 need to. As you layer these wrinkles on top of each other, and continue to
00:05:09 smooth and vary the size, you start to get some very realistic looking wrinkles.
00:05:18 It's all about variation and creating organic looking details. I'm varying the
00:05:23 Size; maybe you can vary the Intensity. I have raised the Intensity, so dig in
00:05:29 a little bit more. I'm just overlapping them. You can see, it starts to make
00:05:35 some very interesting wrinkles.
00:05:36 Let's see what happens when I choose the other Alpha. You can see when I drag
00:05:44 on here, those white parts are actually closer and the darker parts make less
00:05:50 of impression. I hold the Alt key, I get the opposite. Now, of course, this is
00:05:54 going to end up looking a bit like some kind of skin problem and less like an
00:05:57 organic detail, but I just wanted to show you how the lightness and the
00:06:01 darkness of the Alpha actually affect it.
00:06:05 One other thing is you might want to get rid of this square shape around the
00:06:09 Alpha. To do that, we can go to the Alpha palette. I'm going to put this in the
00:06:15 tray. We have a bunch of controls here that allow us to vary the Alpha.
00:06:20 The RF or the Radial Fade is a very useful one for creating a nice circular
00:06:25 border to the Alpha. So now it sort of fades out at the edges, and I don't have
00:06:29 that nasty square shape around it.
00:06:34 Just like sculpting in ZBrush, you can get lost in creating your own Alphas,
00:06:37 and I think that you should spend sometime doing that. See what you can come up
00:06:40 with and see how the Alphas affect the detailing you do on your 3D models.