دانلود فیلم های آموزشی معماری گرافیک و مدل و پلاگین

دانلود رایگان فیلم های آموزشی معماری سه بعدی گرافیک و انیمیشن دانلود انواع مدلهای سه بعدی ارک اینتریور ارک اکستریور ارک مدل

دانلود فیلم های آموزشی معماری گرافیک و مدل و پلاگین

دانلود رایگان فیلم های آموزشی معماری سه بعدی گرافیک و انیمیشن دانلود انواع مدلهای سه بعدی ارک اینتریور ارک اکستریور ارک مدل

دانلود آموزش ویدئویی زیبراش ZBrush Color, Texture, and Materials Mapping 3D model texture coordinates

بهترین نرم افزار حجاری و مدلسازی پیچیده ؟!

خرید آموزش زیبراش

با استفاده از مختصات بافت UV در ZBrush چیزی است که شما می خواهید در مورد اینکه آیا شما علاقه مند به استفاده از مدل های ایجاد شده در ZBrush و برنامه های دیگر مانند Maya یا 3DS Max. اگر فقط از ZBrush خود استفاده می کنید و شما در مورد این برنامه های دیگر نگران نباشید، پس شما ممکن است در مورد آن نگران نباشید بافت UV هماهنگ شده است، شما همیشه ممکن است از آنها استفاده نکنید. اما من می خواهم دوست دارید کمی درباره کار با UVs برای کسانی که مایل به صحبت هستند صحبت کنید ZBrush را به مایا یا 3DS Max یا دیگر خط لوله بسته بندی شده خود اضافه کنید. اگر قصد دارید یک مدل 3D در ZBrush ایجاد کنید که می خواهید در دیگری استفاده کنید برنامه 3D مانند مایا و شما نقاشی بافت برای ارائه در مایا، شما می خواهید برای ایجاد مختصات UV برای مدل های 3D خود را. شما می توانید این کار را انجام دهید در ZBrush و من به شما نحوه کار با مختصات بافت UV را نشان خواهم داد. من هستم رفتن به استفاده از femaleHead_v01 مدل و این یک مدل است که کاربران حق بیمه می توانید استفاده کنید. من قصد دارم این را روی بوم قرعه کشی کنم و به حالت ویرایش بچرخم، F را فشار دهید برای تمرکز بر مدل من حالا من می توانم مدل را ببینم، در حال حاضر چندین سطح دارد

00:01:12  subdivision, but I'm going  to keep it down here to 1.

00:01:15  I'm going to switch the material to the  FastShader, which gives me a good idea

00:01:19  of what's going on here. This  model actually already has UV Texture

00:01:23  Coordinates, meaning it has texture  coordinates built into the geometry itself

00:01:28  that can tell Maya or 3DS Max or  whatever other program how to actually apply

00:01:34  the texture to the model.

00:01:36  If I want to see these texture  coordinates in ZBrush a good way to check them

00:01:41  is to go to the Tool palette, I'm going  to collapse Geometry for the moment and

00:01:46  expand Texture and I'm going to press  UV to Texture. And what this will do is

00:01:52  this will create a texture that  displays how the UVs are laid out on my object.

00:01:59  So you can see, if I hover over here  there is an image of the UV Texture

00:02:05  Coordinates. If I want to remove this  I can just choose Texture Off. When you

00:02:10  are working with UVs you want to check  and make sure that there are no problems

00:02:14  with the UVs like overlapping or just  badly positioned UVs. There is a great

00:02:19  way to check this in ZBrush and that's  to press UV Check. So if I click on this

00:02:26  button, I can see that I have a little  red space right here. This red mark is

00:02:32  indicating a problem with the UVs.

00:02:35  If I hover over here you can see it  right there as well. Whenever I'm working

00:02:39  with a 3D model and I'm working with UV  textures I always do a UV Check just to

00:02:45  make sure that there are no problems  like this. Now you may be wondering, her

00:02:49  eyes are looking a little bit off  there and that's because when you apply a

00:02:52  texture to a model that has sub- tools like the eyes here, the texture is

00:02:59  applied to the model and all of its sub -tools. So a copy of this image, right

00:03:03  now, is being applied to the eyes,  which make it a little bit strange. I tend

00:03:07  to forget of it sometimes. But I will  turn the eyes off there, so that's not as

00:03:11  distracting. So how do we fix this  problem with our UVs. There are a couple of

00:03:16  ways to go about it. One way is to  simply export this model as an OBJ, bring it

00:03:25  back into Maya, fix the problem with  the coordinates and re-import it back into ZBrush.

00:03:30  And we will talk about that workflow a  little bit more in another movie, but if

00:03:35  I want to fix this UV problem, here,  in ZBrush I can actually create new

00:03:41  textures coordinates automatically.  The way you do that is in the Texture

00:03:45  palette. There's a bunch of different  ways to apply UVs to an object here. If I

00:03:50  hold the Ctrl key down I get a  description for how to apply each one. But I

00:03:55  will tell you that 99.999% of the time  I use Adaptive UVTiles. This basically

00:04:03  creates a UV Texture Coordinate based  on the topology of the model. So where

00:04:07  there is more resolution in the model,  it actually adapts the UVTiles to

00:04:12  compensate for that.

00:04:13  To create UVTiles, I'm going to turn  the Texture Off here, and press AUVTiles.

00:04:18  You won't see any immediate change in  the model, but if I choose UV to Texture,

00:04:25  now, I can see the new UV Texture Coordinates.

00:04:29  Right here, it just looks like a big  square that's because it's computer

00:04:33  generated UVs, they are not the same as  if I went into Maya and created the UVs

00:04:39  by hand, it's just a computerized way  to map the coordinates on the model.

00:04:43  Sometimes that's good enough, if you  are really working on a high-end project

00:04:48  it's usually a good idea to create the  UVs yourself, so that when you look at

00:04:52  the UV coordinates you can actually  see the shape of the face and having them

00:04:55  it makes it easier for doing  additional texturing in programs like Photoshop,

00:04:59  but that's just basically a little  bit of 3D animation workflow for you.

00:05:03  If I do UV Check, now I don't have any  problems in my UV, everything is gray,

00:05:11  so I know that these UVs are safe. And  that's the basics of working with UVs in

00:05:17  ZBrush. Personally, I prefer to do  most of my UV Mapping in a program such as

00:05:21  Maya and then re-import those UVs  into ZBrush. When you use the OBJ format,

00:05:27  which is the standard 3D model  format, UV are stored with the model.