دانلود فیلم های آموزشی معماری گرافیک و مدل و پلاگین

دانلود رایگان فیلم های آموزشی معماری سه بعدی گرافیک و انیمیشن دانلود انواع مدلهای سه بعدی ارک اینتریور ارک اکستریور ارک مدل

دانلود فیلم های آموزشی معماری گرافیک و مدل و پلاگین

دانلود رایگان فیلم های آموزشی معماری سه بعدی گرافیک و انیمیشن دانلود انواع مدلهای سه بعدی ارک اینتریور ارک اکستریور ارک مدل

دانلود آموزش ویدئویی زیبراش ZBrush Color, Texture, and Materials Modifying standard materials


آشنایی و معرفی نرم افزار ZBrush

خرید آموزش زیبراش

کیفیت سطح اشیاء 3D خود را در ZBrush تا حد زیادی تحت تأثیر قرار می دهد مواد مورد استفاده به شی مواد در اینجا در مواد یافت می شود کتابخانه و این دو نوع اصلی مواد وجود دارد. استاندارد وجود دارد مواد در بخش پایین و مواد MatCap ویژه در اینجا در بالا. من قصد دارم یک جسم را روی بوم بگذارم. من قصد دارم بارگذاری کنم greenMan_v01، آن را بر روی بوم بکشید، T برای تغییر حالت ویرایش، و I را فشار دهید فقط فشرده شده اند تا مدل را تمرکز کنند. به طور پیش فرض اشیاء سهبعدی در ZBrush، مواد موادی سرخ به آنها اعمال شده است. شناسه می خواهم به بحث در مورد این مواد استاندارد در اینجا اشاره کنم پایین بنابراین، من قصد دارم به FastShader تغییر دهم. و اگر می خواهم شروع کنم ویرایش مواد که می توانید انجام دهید پالت ماده را باز کنید و من هستم در حقیقت روی سوئیچ کلیک کنید تا آن را در سینی قرار دهید. فقط حذف ابزار؛ ما هم اکنون نیازی به آن نداریم. کنترل برای این مواد هستند یافت شده در زیر اصلاح کنندگان. FastMaterial فقط دارای دو کنترل پایه بسیار ساده است، محیط و دیافوس. این ماده بسیار خوب است، زمانی که شما فقط در مجسمه سازی و شما کار می کنید در حال شکل دادن به این مجسمه است، شاید فقط چیزی را بخواهید ساده اعمال می شود، هیچ برجسته برجسته به طوری که تبدیل نمی شود وجود دارد منحرف کردن یکی دیگر از مواد ساده FlatColor است. من این را به عنوان پیدا کردم در حقیقت یک کار بسیار خوب برای کار بر روی اشکال اولیه مجسمه سازی است. من معمولا FlatColor را روشن می کنید، به نمایه تغییر دهید. من می توانم به حرکت برگردم قلم مو و در حال حاضر اگر می خواهم شروع به تجربه با شخصیت از مجسمه سازی، من فقط می توانم روی صحنه تمرکز کنم و شما می توانید آن را ببینید بلافاصله شروع به تغییراتی در شخصیت، شبح یا ژست جسم می کند. بسیاری از مجسمه سازان سنتی وقتی که در استودیو کار می کنند، خواهند بود در واقع این کار را انجام می دهد. آنها یک نور را در پشت مجسمه سازی قرار داده یا قرار می دهند مجسمه سازی کنار یک پنجره روشن، و سپس آنها می توانند فقط بر روی تمرکز شبح و غیره، هیچ چیز دیگری، هیچ یک از جزئیات دیگر پریشان و واقعا ایجاد بسیاری از شخصیت های مختلف در راه است. اگر من برگشتم مواد اصلی ما که ما می بینیم ماهیت مجسمه سازی ما تغییر کرده است

00:02:27  quite a bit. I switched to the Basic  Material and take a look at the Modifiers.

00:02:32  Now I have a lot more controls.

00:02:34  This is the one that's found right here.  We have our Ambient and Diffuse, but

00:02:39  now we have a whole bunch of sliders.  If you want to know what a slider does,

00:02:44  you can hold the Ctrl key and hover  over that slider and you will get a brief

00:02:49  description of how it works. I'm going  to show you how a couple of these work.

00:02:53  Specular is the reflected highlights  on the surface of an object, so right

00:02:57  here. Specularity is actually a  reflection of the light source. So I can

00:03:02  increase the intensity of it or  reduce it, and I can also use the

00:03:07  SpecularCurve, this is the edit curve  that controls the specularity. Now, I'm

00:03:12  adding points to the curve and moving  them around just to see how it changes

00:03:16  the nature of the surface.

00:03:18  If I start to reverse the curve I can  get some really interesting satin like

00:03:22  effects. I'm going to make that  nice and smooth one to get some really

00:03:29  interesting things going here. I can  even add a little bit of Noise to this

00:03:34  specularity. Here I go and get that  kind of effect, kind of interesting. I'm

00:03:39  going to reset this curve, bring it  back. Now when I start to edit materials,

00:03:45  if I look in the Material Library the  materials that I have edited are stored

00:03:50  up here during the ZBrush  session in the User Material.

00:03:53  If I come up with something that I  really like and I want to use in other

00:03:56  ZBrush sessions, I can save it. So  you want this material to show up in the

00:04:01  Material palette every time you open  ZBrush, you can do this by saving the

00:04:07  material to the Program Files/Pixologic/  Zbrush3/Zstartup/Materials folder.

00:04:20  If I call this myBasicMaterial and  save it, the next time I start up ZBrush I

00:04:30  will see it there loaded and then I  continue to use it. This is a great way to

00:04:34  share materials with other ZBrush  users as well because you can post these

00:04:38  online or email them to your friends  and experiment with different materials.

00:04:43  Some of the qualities of the material  show up better when you have Best Render

00:04:48  chosen. So I'm going to go to the  Render palette and choose Best. Now we start

00:04:55  to see a little bit more smoothness  in the material and a little bit more

00:04:59  detail. If I change the color of the  surface in the Color palette, that's also

00:05:04  going to show up as well. Now we have  a combination of both the material and

00:05:08  the color and they can work together.  If I increase the Metalicity this

00:05:13  actually adds a little bit of that red  color that's applied to the model, to

00:05:17  the specular highlights, making the  object look a little bit more metallic.

00:05:21  I can also increase a Noise which adds  variation to the material and the color.

00:05:30  It's a little bit subtle there so I  think I need to increase it some more. Here

00:05:34  we go. That's much less subtle and I  can increase the Noise Radius too. If I

00:05:40  wanted to stop rendering, I can hit  the Escape button, it will stop the

00:05:44  rendering for the moment while I'm  working on this. When I decrease the Noise

00:05:47  slider, it will go back to Best  Rendering Quality. So a lot of times, when I'm

00:05:51  working on the material I switch to  Best Render Quality and it sort of back and

00:05:55  forths between hitting the Escape key  and changing the slider. I think that

00:06:00  works pretty well. I'm going to  increase the Radius, hit Escape, maybe change

00:06:07  the Noise Curve and change the Color  bump which has a little bit of bump based

00:06:14  on the variation and the noise, let me  hit Escape and increase that even more,

00:06:19  make it more obvious. There  we go. That's pretty obvious.

00:06:22  So you can experiment with using some  of these other sliders and remember to

00:06:26  hold the Ctrl key to see what each  slider does, give a nice description there.

00:06:30  Let's switch back to Preview Render  mode. Take a look at some of the other

00:06:38  Shaders; I'm going to save this one,  myBasicMaterial. If I choose some of these

00:06:48  other materials, now these have the  same sliders as the Basic material, but

00:06:53  it's already set to different settings  in there to create this kind of quality.

00:06:57  But that's not true with all of the  shaders, some of them have different

00:07:02  settings altogether. Let's see if we  can find a good one here, here we go

00:07:16  looking at the DoubleReflected Material.  This has its own special sliders right

00:07:21  here including a Texture Map which is  applied to part of the Reflectivity.

00:07:25  The other thing that this material has  are these different channels. I have S1,

00:07:30  S2 and S3. What this means is this  material is actually a combination of

00:07:36  several materials. So when I click on S3,  I see the same sliders that we found

00:07:41  in the BasicMaterial. When I click on  S2, I see this Reflected Map and these

00:07:46  Settings as well as Reflectivity  Curve. Now when I click on S1, I see a

00:07:51  different Texture Map and slightly  different Settings. What's going on here?

00:07:56  Well this S refers to shaders, so a  material is actually at least one or more

00:08:01  shaders that have been combined.

00:08:04  So we have these different shaders here.  The more shaders that we have in here

00:08:07  the more options we have. So this  one has an awful lot of controls. Every

00:08:12  single change I make will be reflected  and updated in the material itself. So

00:08:17  that means I have almost a  bewildering array of options for this particular

00:08:24  material. Now different materials  have different numbers of shaders, for

00:08:32  instance this NoisyMetal has only one  shader. Some of the double shaders here

00:08:38  that have two shaders applied. This  is a very simple one and both shaders

00:08:42  actually have the same settings. The  reason is well not only can you change

00:08:47  these settings and have different  settings in shader 2 and see how that affects

00:08:53  your shader, but you copy settings  from one part of the material to another

00:08:57  part of the material. So for instance  let's turn the Ambient all the way down

00:09:02  and Diffuse all the way up. I have  these settings right here, I can copy this

00:09:06  shader, select this shader and paste  it and then it will replace this Shader

00:09:11  with the same settings.

00:09:13  So once again, I have the same  settings for both shaders, but I can also copy

00:09:17  the shader, choose a completely  different material and paste that shader in

00:09:22  there and replace all those settings.  So you can paste shaders from one

00:09:26  material to another. The only thing I  can't do is I can't add shaders to this

00:09:31  one. This material always has one  shader. If I want to make combinations of

00:09:36  shaders in my own custom shader, I can  choose something like the TriShaders.

00:09:41  This one has 3 shaders with all the  same settings but I can paste from one

00:09:46  material in here, paste another one in  here, and just start creating material

00:09:51  out of combinations of shaders.

00:09:53  The other thing I can do is I can  copy the entire material that's all the

00:09:57  shaders and its settings, choose a  completely different one and then paste the

00:10:02  material over that. So you can swap  different settings from one shader to the

00:10:06  next, and save the ones that you like  under their own name. You really have an

00:10:10  infinite levels of adjustments that  you can make to a material, yet another

  area of ZBrush it's easy to get lost in.