دانلود فیلم های آموزشی معماری گرافیک و مدل و پلاگین

دانلود رایگان فیلم های آموزشی معماری سه بعدی گرافیک و انیمیشن دانلود انواع مدلهای سه بعدی ارک اینتریور ارک اکستریور ارک مدل

دانلود فیلم های آموزشی معماری گرافیک و مدل و پلاگین

دانلود رایگان فیلم های آموزشی معماری سه بعدی گرافیک و انیمیشن دانلود انواع مدلهای سه بعدی ارک اینتریور ارک اکستریور ارک مدل

دانلود آموزش ویدئویی زیبراش ZBrush Color, Texture, and Materials Creating MatCap materials



خرید آموزش زیبراش

بنابراین اگر می خواهید مواد MatCap خود را ایجاد کنید، می خواهید با آن شروع کنید یک عکس، زیرا این رنگ ها و کیفیت مواد هستند که نمونه برداری می شوند از جانب. برای شروع از من میخواهم عکس را در ZBrush دریافت کنم و به شما نشان بدهم گردش کار اساسی برای ایجاد Material MatCap خود. بنابراین، من قصد دارم به نوبه خود ویرایش حالت را خاموش، Ctrl + N را فشار دهید تا مدل GreenMan من از بوم حذف شود. بیایید به پالت بافت بروید و Import را انتخاب کنید و قصد دارم آن را انتخاب کنم تصویر گوجه فرنگی در اینجا و هنگامی که من آن را باز می کنم، آن را بارگذاری در پالت بافت، و من قصد دارم از Crop and Fill استفاده کنم تا کل تصویر را با هم عوض کنم. وقتی این کار را انجام می دهم، می خواهم اطمینان حاصل کنم که مواد Color Flat را انتخاب کنم در غیر این صورت این رنگ مادی بر عکس عکس تاثیر می گذارد. این است چیزی که من تقریبا همیشه فراموش می کنم، پس فقط به یاد داشته باشید، زمانی که شما می خواهید برای قرار دادن یک عکس بر روی بوم، ابتدا پرچم رنگ را انتخاب کنید، سپس به Texture بروید پالت و Crop and Fill را انتخاب کنید و این کل بوم را با من عوض می کند

00:01:04  photograph. So the canvas will be of  the same size of the original photograph.

00:01:09  So I'm going to say Yes, zoomed in  very close, so I'll just drag the Zoom

00:01:13  button here to zoom out of the canvas.  There we have our tomatoes. And we are

00:01:17  going to create the material by  sampling colors from the photograph. When I do

00:01:23  this, I like to have a 3D object on  the canvas so that I can see the material

00:01:28  update as I'm working.

00:01:30  So for a starter material I'm going  to go to the Materials palette and I'm

00:01:34  going to choose MatCap White01. So this  is my starting basic capture material.

00:01:40  Once I have it, I'm going to choose  Sphere3D from the Tool palette. Draw this

00:01:45  onto the canvas, switch to Edit mode and  maybe just reposition it a little bit.

00:01:53  Now I'm ready to start making my  material. Since I have the MatCap White01

00:01:59  already applied to the object, as I  start to adjust the material you will see

00:02:04  it update right there on the canvas.  So I'm going to switch out of the Edit

00:02:07  mode, go to the Tool palette and  choose the special MatCap tool here at the

00:02:13  bottom of the Tool palette.

00:02:15  I'm going to start the material off by  selecting just a basic red color from

00:02:21  the center of the tomato. When I do  this I get a little arrow. What this arrow

00:02:27  is doing is, it's helping me decide  which direction this color will be applied

00:02:31  to. Now, this is hard to visualize  until you have a few samples already, so I'm

00:02:35  going select the first one and then I  have got basically red applied to the material.

00:02:40  Now take a look at this again to see  how it works. I have this dark area right

00:02:45  here on the tomato, I want to sample  this color so I click in the dark area,

00:02:50  and now I position the arrow, and the  arrow is basically telling ZBrush, all

00:02:54  the parts of the 3D model that face  the same direction as this arrow, make

00:02:59  those parts this dark red color, there  we go. Once again I'm going to sample

00:03:05  some of this lighter red area up here,  so click on this area, reposition the

00:03:10  arrow. So just imagine the arrow was a  pin coming out from the center of the

00:03:14  tomato, and now it's applied to similar  areas on the sphere. Do a couple more,

00:03:21  let's get some of this pink color here.  So I going to select that pink color,

00:03:26  and position the arrow and there we  can see it's sort of coming out here. We

00:03:33  notice that ZBrush has a little preview  here, but I find that it doesn't always

00:03:38  update precisely, so that's why I'd  like to have a 3D object on the canvas

00:03:43  already so I can see it update.

00:03:45  Usually spend some time making a  bunch of different samples. Let's get

00:03:50  something that looks right. I do have  some shadowing here, this is part of the

00:03:54  material already. Once I have got a  basic red color going, looks similar to the

00:03:58  tomato, I can start sampling the  specular highlights. Specular Highlights are

00:04:03  the reflection of the light source. In  this case it's a sunlight coming through

00:04:07  some trees and being reflected  on the surface of the tomato.

00:04:11  So to do this I start in the same way,  I select my highlight by clicking on it,

00:04:16  and then I change my arrow, so it  faces about where I think that it should be

00:04:22  coming from, and then I hold the Ctrl  key and drag, and you can see that I'm

00:04:28  creating the tightness of that  highlight on the surface, depending on how far I

00:04:32  drag. So right about there looks good,  and now we see it right on the surface

00:04:37  there. Let's do a couple more. Select  the highlight, position the arrow, hold

00:04:43  the Ctrl key and drag. I'm going to  make this one a broader highlight, there we

00:04:47  go, another one right here, it looks  very broad but I actually kind of like it,

00:04:55  it's sort of to look at the reflected  light in this scene, so let's do another

00:04:59  selection right there.

00:05:00  As I go through sampling the image, I  can sample from any part of the image, I

00:05:05  can sample the plate, the wooden  table, the green wine, any one of the

00:05:08  tomatoes. But the whole point of this  is, if I want to integrate a 3D object

00:05:13  into the image and make it look like  its part of the image, that takes a fair

00:05:17  amount of work and a lot of tweaking,  but that's the eventual goal of this exercise.

00:05:21  If I decide that I need to change one  of the sample points, you'll see as I'm

00:05:25  hovering over the photograph here, you  see these little points, these are the

00:05:29  sample points I made. Once I've hovered  over exactly that point that arrow will

00:05:33  appear, I can now click on it and drag,  and make it change to how I sampled the image.

00:05:41  This is true for the color samples  as well as the specular highlights, I

00:05:45  decided to want to make that highlight,  broad, I can just hold the Ctrl key and

00:05:49  change it. I made it a little tighter  there, but that's the basic idea. Where

00:05:55  the highlights coming from, maybe I decided  I don't like it, so I'm changing it over here.

00:05:59  And that's a basic for getting started  and creating your own MatCap materials.

00:06:03  Once you have something that you like,  you will probably want to save the

00:06:08  material. To do that go to the  Material palette and choose Save. I'm going to

00:06:17  save this into the C/Program Files/  Pixologic/Zbrush3/Zstartup/

00:06:31  Materials folder. So that's Program  Files/Pixologic/Zbrush3/ZStartup/Materials.

00:06:39  When I do this every time I load  ZBrush I'll see the material there in the

00:06:45  library. So I'm going to call it tomato.  I'm also going to make this material

00:06:49  available for download for premium users.

00:06:51  There are some modifiers for MatCap  materials. Opacity blends between the

00:06:56  material and the color applied to the  object. So if I change this to green

00:07:02  color, you can see it in the Material  Sample here, so it's kind of like a blend

00:07:07  between the currently selected  color, and the material itself.

00:07:11  The color is already a part of this  material I prefer to keep that at 100%, but

00:07:16  sometimes you can sort of change the  quality of the object just by lowering this.

00:07:21  These other sliders here are some of  the more advanced controls, you can use

00:07:25  them with some caution. Making slight  adjustments to these controls can affect

00:07:30  your material and some interesting  and sometimes unexpected ways. I like to

00:07:35  start making material just by  relying on the way that I've sampled the

00:07:39  photograph and see how far I can get  with that before playing with any of the modifiers.

00:07:44  So let's quickly take a look at how  this tomato material looks on a 3D object.

00:07:49  So I'm going to clear the canvas by  pressing Ctrl+N, my Document Size right now

00:07:54  is fairly large, so let's make it Half,  so I'm just pressing the Half button,

00:07:59  and say, Yes and we're zoomed up and it  actually did make the document it's now

00:08:04  half the size just to make it faster  when I render the object in best quality.

00:08:10  So I'm going to choose my greenMan_v2  model, draw it onto the canvas and we

00:08:16  can see our tomato is applied to the object  already, and I press F to center the object.

00:08:23  In this case so tomatoes are looking a  little bit more like a red paint, but

00:08:26  with some extra time spent on the  material, I think I can get a very convincing

00:08:30  tomato guide. So let's render this in  best quality, see how looks. It already

00:08:36  looks pretty interesting. I'm a  sculpture who works in tomato, that's my

00:08:40  medium. There we go, I already have  an interesting material going, and once

00:08:44  again the lighting, all this lighting  is baked into the material itself, it's

00:08:48  not dependent on the lighting in this scene.

00:08:51  Some of the shadowing will change when  you reposition the light, but you will

00:08:54  see the direction of the  Specular Highlights does not change.

00:08:58  You can share these materials with  other users, go to zbrushcentral.com and see

00:09:03  what other users have created using  their own photographs to make your own

  MatCap materials.